Monday, January 22, 2018

Guest Post: Jamberrys

Hello everyone! This is Megan from Megan`s Blog Today I will be taking over Stephanie`s blog. She is my Best Friend. I'm writing about Jam-berry`s because she doesn't know what they are and how to use them. So lets get stared.

Jamberrys are like stickers. There are many designs and colors. They are so easy to do. If you don't want to paint your nails or you are too lazy Jamberrys are the things you would want. Its cheap, the only thing that is not is cheap which is the heater and you only have to buy that once. You can buy them anywhere, in stores and online. The supplies you need are the heater and of course the sticker deigns. And a nail filer and other things if you want to make it look better. The heater comes with a scissor sometimes, it depends what one you buy. This is the heater, its small so you can bring it where every you go. 

If you wear fake nails and you know that they come off a lot, than you should get Jamberrys because they don't come off easy unless you bite them off or just peel it off. They are cheap but it depends where you buy them. There are really cute deigns. Here are some examples.
These are only a few of them. There are thousands of them. I hope you guys will try these. I did them before and I loved them so much! I encourage Stephanie to do them now. So that`s it thanks for reading this post!

Peace Out from Stephanie`s blog! 


1 comment:

  1. Good info- I didn't know that much about them. I wonder why you have to buy the heater and couldn't just use a blow dryer?:)
